New Site

I am a motivated, levelheaded, self-confident individual looking for a suitable role in Graphic Design and Computer Media. I have good communication skills, am keen to impress and keen to learn. I am ambitious and out going. I am currently studying for my degree in MediaLab Arts at The University of Plymouth.


Nanpean Football Club Click here to link to another site I have created.

Logo View my current CV. It has everything you need to know from my profile, first year University results, work experience, interests etc. etc.

Logo Here you will find some examples of drawings, artwork and sketches I produced during my earlier years as an artist.

Logo This is an example of a project I did entitled 'What makes London'. I produced the whole project on a CDRom which includes and interactive photo album, experimental project and a music video.This is a link to the site I had up and running at the time (November 2001).

Logo Clicking now will take you to an example of my first ever attempt at 3D work.

Logo I work freelance in my local town as a graphic designer - here you will find examples of my work ranging from CD Covers, to Video Sleeves and Business Cards to Letterheads etc. etc.

Logo Clicking here will take you to an example of an essay I have written highlighting the sex industry through the ages of technology.